Turn ANY Website Into an App - Open Source!

Turn ANY Website Into an App - Open Source!


2 min read

The bridge between website creation and app creation can be big - Nativefier makes it small

What used to take hours and hours of work can now be simply done within a few minutes with Nativefier - an open source tool.

Check out the GitHub here ✨

If you need help or have feedback, DM me on Twitter πŸ‘ˆ

Let's get into it! πŸš€


Install Prerequisites

You need to be on MacOS or Linux! Sorry Windows users!

We'll be installing Node (>= 12.9) & NPM (>= 6.9) with this command. If you already have this, move on to the next section!

curl -o- https://raw.githubusercontent.com/nvm-sh/nvm/v0.35.3/install.sh | bash

Enter the following commands - I have added comments to briefly explain what they do.

nvm install 12.18.1 # Installs NVM
node --v # Checks if installation was successful

Close the terminal window and open a new one


Install Nativefier

This is the fun part! Type the following commands in your new terminal window. I have added comments again to explain the commands' function.

npm install -g nativefier # Installs NPM globally (not limited to a single directory)

Use Nativefier

We've finished all the hard work, now it's time to test out Nativefier 😎

nativefier yourURLHere # Change *yourURLHere* to an actual link!

Let's use Twitter to test it out!

nativefier twitter.com


Works like a charm!

You can even test out the functionality by following me by searching for @snoopythedev on the app! πŸ˜‰


In this Flash Guide, you learnt how to convert websites into fully-functional apps by using Nativefier in less than 3 minutes!

If you liked this article, check out the rest in the Flash Guide series that is updated daily!

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